A mental model worth exploring?
If memes are being defined as units of culture. Then we need measurement consensus for the unit of account. Affording us the delineation of diameter, mass, velocity, etc.
Take apart the following subjects to discern if this model has legs-- think in terms of units:
Religious symbols, parables, prayers
Currency gradients, functions, measurement
Company mission, philosophy, product offering
The cultural units are expansive and significant.
Ask yourself if the Christian cross equates to the same unit amount as Bitcoin's ₿?
It's a nonsensical argument at time of writing. Thus, qualitative culture has some intuitive level of quantitative measurement.
Meaning units of culture is quite representative of that which is seemingly intangible. The transferrable data of cultural epochs - references, sensory information matrices, thought patterns, narratives, etc.
On the web, tokenization brings a quantitative unit of account to these epochs at a rudimentary level. Likely the start of qualitative tech? Where we tangilize the intangible?
kilobyte → kilomeme
megabyte → megameme
gigabyte → gigameme
terabyte → terameme
Near term use case as a mental model?
Greater digital literacy around resource venture?
With a compounding of digital citizens, concepts, and cultural epochs will increase probability of global intervention/scaling. An early example is Higher.
Pain point in the present is education and internalizing opportunity for verticalization.
I.e. knowing how much cultural data exists within the concept (meme)
Intuitive reframing of digital conceptualization could lead to greater success rates in:
choosing concepts for verticalization
creating organization mechanisms around concepts
durability in the face of tenured scaling